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The server has been infected with ransomware — now what?

by John R. Fischer, Senior Reporter | February 13, 2023
Cyber Security Health IT Risk Management

Mitigating risks through planning
For preventing cyberattacks, the best offense may be a good defense. The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society (HIMSS) emphasizes the importance of regular security awareness training for employees. That includes making sure staff understands the potential risks associated with suspicious internet links.

Multifactor authentication, a layered approach in which users must provide two or more authenticators to verify their identity and gain access to a system, is another way to reduce the likelihood of a security breach, according to Waters.

Experts agree that one of the best ways to stay prepared is by implementing a cyber incident response plan covering everything from attack prevention strategies, protocols for attack identification and breach containment, rectifying system weak points, and providing a recovery period timeline getting systems back online. Part of that plan would include appointing a cybersecurity team to implement chain-of-command and review the cyberattack afterward for actionable insights into preventing the next one.

Although the takedown of a ransomware group should be a cause for celebration, the dangers of an attack are just as real as ever. The health of patients — and a facility’s bottom line — demand vigilance.

“The threat actors and affiliates behind Hive will be back in one form or another,” said Roblee. “The takedown does not affect other groups like LockBit, BlackCat, and AvosLocker that will continue targeting the healthcare industry.”

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